Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 3 - Semester Final

1) My favorite photo from the September 23, 2014 Pictures of the Day album (this post) would be number 7. It is my favorite because it uses unique colors not present in any other photo, and it is also does the opposite of what you'd expect. The main subject of the photo is almost completely black, he can only be seen because of the one well placed glowing sphere behind his head. Lastly, and probably the main reason it is my favorite, I also can juggle, so I know how hard it is but also how fun it is. This gives me a connection with the photograph.

2) The best photo from the slide show is number 2. This photo utilizes great depth of field, with the man on the side blurry, the lady and kids clear, and the crowd in the back blurry. This photo is also extremely natural, the mom and her kids were not posed that way. They are showing genuine emotion which speaks a strong message through the photo. Lastly the photo captured the chaos of the situation, with the many people in the background going every which way, but this is emphasized by the little girl looking one way, the little boy looking another, and the mother also looking a different direction.

3) This is my best work this semester. This is my best work because: I followed the instructions very well and took a shallow depth of field picture, it is one of the clearest and most crisp picture I have taken, and I utilized the some rules of composition, such as the rules of texture and perspective. If I had more time I would have brought a much better camera to make the detail much sharper, and I would also have found a more exciting crack, maybe try to get a little water running through it, like a river.

4) My three rules of composition are pattern/texture, color, and perspective.

Cactus Like Plant Taken in the P-Wing
Using: Color and Texture/Pattern

6) Your (Mr. Farley's) first rule of composition is "get closer".

7) Benefits of working in a group: Many different ideas on how to complete a project, you have models for your photos, when your camera runs out of battery you can use theirs, when your woefully inadequate Photoshop skills are uncovered they can teach you, and they help you have fun while working on something.

8) Difficulties of working in a group: They can be a very lazy and unmotivated group that doesn't work, you may feel like they judge your ideas and so try not to be as creative, there is no single day when everyone is free, if you think you have a great idea but the others don't agree on it you can't do it, and you have to always make sure you are with your group, so if one of them is a slow walker you have to go there pace.

9) My favorite work produced by another person in the class would be Junior's first black and white picture from this blog post .

10) My master photographer was Phillipe Halsman. Halsman helped make photography a much more causal thing. His photo shoots were fun and relaxed, and he also ended them with a jump picture, making the entire process entertaining. 

11) Dorothea Lange's most famous photo is called "Migrant Mother". This picture was taken in February or March 1936 in Nipomo California on a frozen pea farm. Dorothea was employed by the Resettlement Administration at the time.

12) John Ames Mitchell and Andrew Miller co-founded LIFE together. LIFE as a photojournalism magazine began publishing in 1936.

13) Robert Capa was a founding member of Magnum Photos. Magnum started in 1947.

14) Capa took the picture "Falling Soldier" on September 5th 1936 during the Spanish Civil war in Cerro Muriano. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Straight Outta Hampton" Recreation  
Here is the link to the model album cover: Straight Outta Hampton by N.W.A

Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

I think this project represents me well. It shows that I am willing to put the time and effort into classes to have a good finished product. I spent time outside of class to get it done, but I was with friends so it was still fun. Coming into this year, I took digital photography because one of my other classes got canceled, and I'd prefer to take pictures than to draw them in Art 1. I knew nothing about photography coming into this class, but know I've learned about light, composition, famous photographers, among other things. I think the biggest or most important thing I've learned is to view light differently. How different light can give your picture different effects, and how if you're not careful, light could ruin your picture. Working in groups allows for more ideas to come about. Instead of just having one brain trying to come up with many different photos, in groups you have multiple brains, each with their own perspective and individuality that they can bring to a project. Some disadvantages of working is groups, that I have found, are that if you don't really know the people in your group, its awkward, and even if you do, sometimes you still feel like they might judge you (even if they don't). Working by yourself you can act as crazy and do what ever you want, but with other people you may have restraints on how you act, and that can inhibit your productivity. If I was to do something differently in our project, I would have redone the photo-shoot I did with my brother. It was night time and the house was dark, and even with the lights on the camera couldn't get enough light. The lack of light caused the camera to keep its lens open longer, and if anything was moving (like my brother as he jumps) it became blurred. So I would have taken similar pictures, only during the day with more light.