Monday, January 5, 2015

Masters of Photography Project Reflection

I think this project represents me well. It shows that I am willing to put the time and effort into classes to have a good finished product. I spent time outside of class to get it done, but I was with friends so it was still fun. Coming into this year, I took digital photography because one of my other classes got canceled, and I'd prefer to take pictures than to draw them in Art 1. I knew nothing about photography coming into this class, but know I've learned about light, composition, famous photographers, among other things. I think the biggest or most important thing I've learned is to view light differently. How different light can give your picture different effects, and how if you're not careful, light could ruin your picture. Working in groups allows for more ideas to come about. Instead of just having one brain trying to come up with many different photos, in groups you have multiple brains, each with their own perspective and individuality that they can bring to a project. Some disadvantages of working is groups, that I have found, are that if you don't really know the people in your group, its awkward, and even if you do, sometimes you still feel like they might judge you (even if they don't). Working by yourself you can act as crazy and do what ever you want, but with other people you may have restraints on how you act, and that can inhibit your productivity. If I was to do something differently in our project, I would have redone the photo-shoot I did with my brother. It was night time and the house was dark, and even with the lights on the camera couldn't get enough light. The lack of light caused the camera to keep its lens open longer, and if anything was moving (like my brother as he jumps) it became blurred. So I would have taken similar pictures, only during the day with more light.

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