Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design- Unity

Contrast: -17
Highlights: -34
Blacks: +25
Clarity: +73
Vibrance: +43
Saturation: +17

At first this photo looks like it should be variety, but I believe on closure inspection it works well for unity. Firstly, the mural its self was designed to be abstract but coherent and work well together, so even though it is all different the colors and pictures flow into each other and mix well. Beyond the mural it's more or less symmetrical. The shadow of the speaker is centered, the two longer shadows on the sides are at the same point, and the bricks are even. This photo also uses good rule of thirds. The sky is the top third, the bricks the middle, and the grass the bottom. Then the first wall is the left side, mural is the middle, and the right bricks are the right side. There is also a ramp on the left side, making it unbalanced but the blue paper on the wall offsets it, restoring the balance and making unity. 

Principles of Design- Variety

Temperature: +2
Tint: -14
Contrast: +18
Highlights: -8
Shadows: -11
Whites: +14
Blacks: -10
Clarity: +27
Vibrance: +12
Saturation: +30

This photo simultaneously has no symmetry and has it. The line that the top of the car creates is straights, but the line the back fence part makes is a little angled. On the left side of the photo, behind the truck is a traffic cone pole, on the right side is a statue, different but complementary. The latter on the truck in the middle of the frame stands out, it is a different color and angle than everything else, and from there your eyes may go to the trash cans, one making a circle the other part of a rectangle. It is symmetrical because the back of the truck has the red lights on either side with the wheel mud guards, and then the silver trailer hitch right in the middle. Finally the word "good" written in bricks is on the bottom, the O's make symmetry, the G and D don't. And it says good, therefor my picture IS good. 

Principles of Design- Rythm

Temperature: +9
Tint: -5
Exposure: +.85
Contrast: -19
Highlights: -48
Shadows: +48
Whites: +8
Blacks: +1

Rhythm was defined by using several different principles of design to create organized movement. This photo is a little darker in the bottom left, but as you follow it up to the upper right the photo becomes lighter. There is repetition within the railings, with the poles that keep them standing. There is also balance, the structure on the left takes up part of the frame, but is balanced by the lack of structure on the right. Each rectangle in the cement creates a path going up the ramp, and you can image following it, jumping from one to the next, like their is a rhythm to it. 

Principles of Design- Proportion

Tint: -25
Exposure: +1.3
Contrast: -25
Whites: +41
Clarity: +45
Saturation: +21

In this photo I was trying to be creative in showing proportion using small things. The water nozzle thing is small, and so is the whip cream cap, but I got close and made them fill part of the frame. The cap was the perfect size to make a little hat for the nozzle 

Lens Photo - Variety

Our group chose photo number 5 to show variety

It shows variety through multiple uses of principles of design. The people in the background create balance with those in the foreground. Your eye is immediately drawn to the girls flute or the can on the left because they are the only things in that third of the picture, thus showing emphasis. Once the eye is drawn the to the flute it follows the straight line it creates to the right, then it may see the drummers sticks and follow those, or got along to the upper right and look at the peoples faces one by one. It also shows good rhythm. You can see the different levels of dancing that people are at, and the flutist leaning back to her music and the drummers concentration give the feel as if the music is coming through the photo.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Movie Monday Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

1) Success to me is accomplishing what you want and having the outcome you want. You could be successful by making a lot of money if that's what you want, or you could be successful by managing your office well. For me, I would like to be successful in the fact that I make a decent amount of money, probably by running an important part of a corporation.

2) To be successful in school I had to give up some success in cross country. I didn't have the time and energy to do both as best I could, so I had to choose which one I would devote my energy to, and I chose school. (I still did cross country but I didn't improve any from last year)

3) Gordon gave up his family life and a lot of money at times to be successful.

4)Her step-father was one of the founding father of the UN, Ambassador V.K. Wellington Koo

5) At first 5,000 but then it was changed a few times and ended at 10,000 dollars

6) A half million dollars

7) He refused the money because he believed Muhammad would influence what he created. He refused based on his principles.

8) The learning tree was the first major Hollywood film written and directed by a black person.

9) Shaft was the first black super hero. He gave young black kids a role model to look up to that they didn't have before.

10) Gordon's choice of weapons were film, photography, writing, and music.

11) She said it was to much to manage the turmoil in Gordon's life, and that they hardly saw each other and both were occupied with their carriers.

12) the movie 12 years a slave.

13) Gordon Parks Jr. was Gordon's oldest son. Like his father he was a successful film director. He died in a tragic plane crash on his was to film a new movie.

14) My favorite photo is called "Grease Plant Worker" under Gordon's Standard Oil archive.

15) I will remember Gordon for his ideals. I'll remember how he doesn't do what he disagrees with. He turns down large sums of money because he doesn't agree with the message he is suppose to convey. I will also remember how he worked because that's what he loved to do, he was to busy to worry about racial boundaries, he just acted a person.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Principles of Design- Repetition

Their is repetition in the 4 yellow pole things, they separate the photo into sections. There is also repetition in the slats of the green planks on the top of the photo, and also repetition with the three doors behind the yellow poles. 

Contrast: +36
Highlights: +65
Shadows: -20
Whites: -25
Blacks: -27
Clarity: +33
Vibrance: +56
Saturation: +6

Principles of Design- Pattern

The pattern can be seen in the bricks, how each brick is off set with the row below it, but then in line with the next. There is also some pattern in the fact that the bricks make steps on the right side.

Exposure: +.30
Contrast: +66
Highlights: +3
Whites: +23
Blacks: -23
Vibrance: +37

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Principles of Design- Movement

I tried to show movement by using the lines that the fence created. You start looking at the close part of the fence, but as you move down you notice lines, so you follow those. The lines fade but then the street picks up the lines at a new angle and you follow that. on the far right the sky is brighter than the rest of the picture so you look their and then continue looking through the trees along the top. Or you may have gotten to the right side and moved down towards the shadow and followed the rough line the yellow leaves made. 

Contrast: +12
Highlights: -28
Shadows: +48
Whites: +39
Vibrance: +34
Saturation: +13

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Principles of Design- Emphasis

Emphasis is on the berries, structures are the back ground. The berries are a vivid color which draw your attention, they are also much closer and larger than would be expected. I would have preferred them to much clearer and to have better depth of field but unfortunately my phone does not have a very good camera. 

Exposure: -.4
Contrast: +38
Highlights: +18
Whites: +11
Clarity: +56
Vibrance: +20
Saturation: +5

Principles of Design- Balance

This shows balance in the sense that it is symmetrical. The orange pipes are at opposite angles and connect with the horizontal fence at the same moment. The yellow pole is dead center with the two silver poles on either side, even though they were actually away from the center pole.  

Cropped to straighten
Contrast: +35
Shadows: -45
Blacks: -31
Clarity: +24

Friday, March 6, 2015

Elements of Art - Plant Life Texture


Rotated and Cropped
exposure -1.35
contrast +27
highlights -17
shadows -14
clarity +31
saturation -100

Elements of Art - Plant Life Color

Exposure -.90
Contrast +32
Whites -47
Clarity +34

Elements of Art - Plant Life Space

Edits for the 1st one:
exposure: +.95
blacks: +74
clarity: +28

Andrew was just to good not to include
Edits for 2nd one:
temperature +17
tint -4
highlights +38
shadows +54
clarity +38

Monday, March 2, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks pt 1 and pt 2

1) The doctor but him in an ice bath and scrubbed him against the ice.
2) Kansas
3) She told him that black people don't go to college, and the few that due don/t succeed.
4) 15
5) Saint Paul Minnesota to live with his sister.
6) He did not graduate High School but he received many honorary degrees from colleges.
7) He walked into the store Frank Murphy's and said he was a fashion photographer. They set up a shoot for him and he did pretty well.
8) Two pictures get exposed on the same frame of film.
9) He was a professional heavy weight champion boxer.
10) Piano
11) To educated the public of the poverty occurring during the great depression.
12) Go to a store and purchase an overcoat, walk across the street and eat at a restaurant, then cross to the corner and watch a movie.
13) She was a janitor is the farm administration building that Gordon photographed.
14) He was inspired by the architecture of a lone farm building and the culture of rural america.
15) He learned from Stryker that the people in front of the camera are the most important people, not the one taking the picture.


16) The FSA shut down of 1943.
17) He worked for Vouge
18) Wilson Hicks
19) After starting to work for LIFE his first major assignment was on crime, following Red Jackson.
20) Picasso, Vango, Brenard,Brugol
21) He shot fashion by letting his models move, and moving with them.
22) Venice
23) Elizabeth Campbell Rollins. She was a model.
24) He met Flavio when Flavio was 12.
25) Parks met Flavio in the early 1960's
26) Flavio lived in rio de janeiro in a favela.
27) Gloria Vanderbilt was an author actress and heiress. Her son is Anderson Cooper, and news anchor for CNN. Her ancestors are the Vanderbilt family who made a fortune in the railroad industry then expanded.
28) She said they were friends, but she also didn't care about the social boundaries, but Parks new that they mattered and would stop them from being anything more.