Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4) The Photo that changed the was I view photography is this one

It changed the way I view photography because it taught be to look everywhere and at anything. I learned that even seemingly boring things like a crack in the ground can be a really cool picture if you just use a little imagination. I also prefer taking pictures of objects more than of people, so this photo kind of proved to me that I can take really cool pictures and that I don't need to have a person in the picture.

5) Shape is different than form because it is only 2 dimensional. It can have length and width, but it has no depth to is. Form on the other hand is 3 dimensional. It has length, width, and depth to it.  

6) Pattern is the simple repeating of an object throughout the picture. it could be multiple trianlges in a picture all just sitting there. Repetition may also have multiple similar objects, but they work together to make the photo look active. Repetition helps to create unity in a picture. 

Pattern link:

Repetition link:

7) Link to my Weebly about page:
Link to another photographer's about page who inspired me:

8) links for the projects:

Most recent:
second most recent:
third most recent:

I think the second most recent project was my best, it's the one with all the sideways/inverted pictures. This is my best work because all the pictures in the project are unique, with a unifying element, and all skillfully incorporate the elements of art and principles of design. Doing this project really made me think differently than I had for any other project. Usually I could just look around for something that looks cool and take a picture of it, but for this project I really had to think an plan a lot before I could start shooting. I learned that what you envision may not always be possible, and that you will have to change your plans to accommodate that. Like I said above, I had to plan, and that includes where and how to shoot the pictures. I had to completely invert the my mind and look at a place upside down or sideways to see if it looks like a good place. Now that it is over I will always be looking for places that would work well for inverted photos.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Final Project Photo Shoot Idea List

Similar photos to this one. I'm thinking of going to cool places and have chairs and maybe tables set up like someone would be sitting there, but they're not.

1) Located at the creek by mission high school. On the side closer to Palm were there is actually water. Taken after school and using one of those portable camping chairs.

2) Located in my backyard. Two fancy metal chairs and a metal table will be set up near the rose bushes. I have one of those film nior style street lights there so it will shine down. Maybe have a candle on the table. It will be taken at nighttime using a tripod.

3) Located on this path in my neighborhood that goes by some redwood trees. Might use camping chair or the metal one, not sure yet. Taken after school.

4) Located at Lake Elizabeth, taken after school or closer to sunset, depending on the lighting. This one will be right on the water. There are benches lining the lake so I might use on of those, or I will bring a chair. I'll probably set it up by a tree cause trees are cool and look good.

5) Located at Old Mission Park taken after school. There is a high part at the park with really tall reed things and it over looks part of a valley and part of the town. I'll place the chair in the middle of the big stalk things and show how it has an awesome view.

6) If 5 doesn't work out for whatever reason I have two other locations in mind. On the corner of Pine and Sabercat, or at the top of Ohlone College.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

From 1st period:

I looked at Irene Wu's Weebly. The link on her Weebly to take you to her pictures goes to her blogger, so that's why the hyperlink takes you there.

I think her best photo is the 4th photo in the series. It is the clearest of the photos and implements various elements of art. She has line, shape and form, along with a good depth of field. It is clever how the rose is behind the leaves but still the center of the picture. I especially think the inclusion of the thorns makes the picture great. Most people usually forget that roses have thorns, but she showed they are beautiful and dangerous.

From 2nd Period:

I looked at Vedant Mehta's Weebly.

I think his best picture is the 4th one in the series. It is by far the most unique of his. I light at then end of the tunnel makes a good silhouette, and because the person was moving is made an awesome blurry effect that looks amazing. The water on the bottom of the tunnel leads your eye to the end of the tunnel where the color from the graffiti makes the photo really pop.

From 4th Period:

I looked at Tulika Mohanti's Weebly.

Her best photo is the 2nd in the series, the one with a girl holding a leaf in front of her eye. The color of the leaf matches the models hair very well, and she seems very natural and like she isn't trying to hard to pose. The leaf in front of her face is very clever, and they did a good job making sure that it didn't cover to much of her face. The leaf and trees in the back give a feel like it was taken in the forest, and the denim jacket also fits in with that.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Presentation Project

My Five
1) Picture of track people racing on a wall- Natural lighting in the afternoon, taken at Tak stadium with my track team mates as models.
2) Hanging from a pole- natural lighting, somewhere where there is a pole, models are Katherine and Catherine
3) Sitting on steps- Natural lighting, at the steps leading down to the girls locker room, Katherine in the model.
4) Water pouring backwards from glass one- Natural lighting or small portable light, taken outside near the ground and a blank wall, Water and a bottle will be the models.
5) Watching from above (like from the lens gallery)- natural lighting in the morning, at mission san jose, taken next to a wallball wall, Katherine is the model.

Katherine's Five
1) Rock climbing on the ground- Natural lighting in the morning, Mission valley on the ground with bumpy or cracked ground. I'll be the model.
2) Sitting on curb- Natural lighting in the morning, a curb on the street (where it's not busy) I will be the model.
3) Bicycle pick- Natural lighting in the morning, grass at a park or at mission, I'll be the model and supply the bike
4) Chair against the wall- Natural lighting, during 3rd. by one of the murals on school, would need a few chairs,  Andrew or I will me the model.
5) Relaxing at an angle- Natural light in the morning, At mission valley by the earthquake support beams. I'll be the model.

This person has a few of the photos we are doing:

Some inspirational photos: