Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4) The Photo that changed the was I view photography is this one

It changed the way I view photography because it taught be to look everywhere and at anything. I learned that even seemingly boring things like a crack in the ground can be a really cool picture if you just use a little imagination. I also prefer taking pictures of objects more than of people, so this photo kind of proved to me that I can take really cool pictures and that I don't need to have a person in the picture.

5) Shape is different than form because it is only 2 dimensional. It can have length and width, but it has no depth to is. Form on the other hand is 3 dimensional. It has length, width, and depth to it.  

6) Pattern is the simple repeating of an object throughout the picture. it could be multiple trianlges in a picture all just sitting there. Repetition may also have multiple similar objects, but they work together to make the photo look active. Repetition helps to create unity in a picture. 

Pattern link:

Repetition link:

7) Link to my Weebly about page:
Link to another photographer's about page who inspired me:

8) links for the projects:

Most recent:
second most recent:
third most recent:

I think the second most recent project was my best, it's the one with all the sideways/inverted pictures. This is my best work because all the pictures in the project are unique, with a unifying element, and all skillfully incorporate the elements of art and principles of design. Doing this project really made me think differently than I had for any other project. Usually I could just look around for something that looks cool and take a picture of it, but for this project I really had to think an plan a lot before I could start shooting. I learned that what you envision may not always be possible, and that you will have to change your plans to accommodate that. Like I said above, I had to plan, and that includes where and how to shoot the pictures. I had to completely invert the my mind and look at a place upside down or sideways to see if it looks like a good place. Now that it is over I will always be looking for places that would work well for inverted photos.

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